Top 15 Bulldog Face
Discover the UK's favourite bulldog face, see how shoppers rate them, and learn where you can buy them across 15 supermarkets.
What people say
641 reviews from 10 shops
“This is a fantastic wash that really leaves your face feeling nice and clean”
“This is a simple”
What people say “This product is designated for sensitive skin users who wants to have a clean skin day to day without additional irritation and remove dry”
“This is fantastic if you have sensitive skin and need have a need to feel clean all the time”
What people say
648 reviews from 10 shops
“Very effective and leaves you with a good clean feeling”
“This is a really good face scrub and I've tried a lot”
What people say “This is so good! Does it what it says on the tin - I highly recommend you incorporate it into your skincare routine sooner rather than later! I wish I had started using it earlier to be honest”
“I love this face wash! the first thing I noticed was the lovely scent”
What people say “This is the first time I used this range and instantly liked the whole energising vibe”
“Very good! Works great for my combination skin”
What people say “Very pleased I did as it left my skin feeling invigorated and refreshed almost straight away”
“Very good face scrub helps a lot with acne and more than decent for people with oily skin”
What people say “I love the soothing and subtle smell of the face gel”
“I love this new cleansing face gel from BullDog! Very gentle”
What people say “This is a great quality face wash”
“This is a simple yet effective cleanser”
What people say “Very rich moisturiser with thick buttery consistency (more of a balm than a cream)”
“I found this cream to be very moisturising but not greasy”
What people say “This is a great product”
“This is another amazing product from Bulldog”
What people say “Very light cream I use daily”
“This is lightly scented and absorbs well”