Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops

Where To Buy

£41.90 per 100ml
£42.00 per 100ml
£42.50 per 100ml
£42.50 per 100ml
£43.90 per 100ml
£62.00 per 100ml
The prices shown above are available online and may not reflect in store.

Today's Price


Good to know

  • Gently softens and helps remove hardened ear wax
  • Clinically recommended
  • Use in children under 5 years of age should be under medical supervision
  • Tilt head and gently squeeze 3 to 4 drops into the ear without touching the ear with the dropper
  • Leave for a few minutes and then wipe away surplus with tissue
  • Wash hands after use
  • Repeat twice daily for up to 5 days
  • Replace the cap tightly after use and return the bottle to carton
  • Discard 4 weeks after first opening
  • Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients, have a history of ear problems, putting anything else in the ear, ear drum is or has been damaged, suffer from dizziness, anything else wrong with the ear, dropper is broken or damaged, had ear syringed in the last 2 to 3 days, or tried to remove ear wax with fingernails, cotton buds or other implements


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